Pro-Palestinian – Pro-Israeli citizen, Pro-Peace

About Us

Wearing Hope for Palestine

At Palestinian Peace Bracelets, we are committed to advancing the establishment of a Palestinian State through dialogue, solidarity, and compassionate action. Our mission is to serve as a platform for fostering meaningful dialogue, understanding, and empathy between individuals, communities, and nations.

Our taste – Our identity

Through our memorial steel bracelets adorned with the Palestinian flag and the words ‘Palestinian State,’ we aim to not only raise awareness but also encourage open and constructive conversations about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We believe that by engaging in dialogue and listening to diverse perspectives, we can promote mutual understanding, empathy, and respect for the rights and aspirations of all parties involved.


Wearing Hope for Palestine" or "Peace on Your Wrist: Our Mission


Support Palestinian Statehood: One Bracelet at a Time" or "Wear Your Support for Palestine


Join the Movement for Peace: About Us" or "Standing with Palestine: Our Story

From The Blog

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What goes into a blog post? Helpful, industry-specific content that: 1) gives readers a

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